Agency and Freedom in Neo-Functionalist Action
legitimately and rationally talk ab tion even in a situation of consens One way of deciphering dom structure of discourse, includin society. If, for example, spec normative alternatives are syste public discourse while others enj public, cultural violence and i reality.47 Obviously, an important type of domination is the relation the normative propositions. Last existence of domination and sy level of socialization of indivi moment of the birth. This final i levels of domination. As Bourdie ideals and alternatives are arbitr imposing an arbitrary princi constitutes symbolic violence.48 It culture and tradition through t which is a universal preconditio readily compatible with the nor levels of problems are not even t On the contrary, neofunctionalis when they are, indeed, systemat tioned.
Deterministic Tendency in Neofunctionalism
Surprisingly, however, functionalism and neofunctionalism are too deterministic in their outlook on human actions. It is true that functionalism tries to affirm and save the actor's 46 Claus Offe, Contradictions of the Welfare State (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1984). 47 Habermas, Knowledge. 48 Pierre Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron, Reproduction m Education, Society and Culture (London: Sage, 1977), pp. 1-69.
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