Agency and Freedom in Neo-Functionalist Action
any individual the norms and from instrumental interests. H the level of the individual w about the relation between instance, the economic syste think of a situation in which t shaped and determined by conditions of society. But even each individual is shaped b purposive (instrumental) ration culturally defined ultimate no that the individual's action is n mental interests and selfish des lief in some moral categories c means and ends perceived by necessarily, the autonomy of t nomic structure of the society ism demonstrates the autonomy the level of an individual choice however, is the autonomy of c terial system of society. Neo serious defense of a multidime Contrary to both functionalis of the variants of the structura question of the autonomy of c instrumental structures. One tions of this structuralist prob in the recent works of Ma Lévi-Strauss's structural anth tural linguistics,52 Sahlins emp from the realm of practical Reason, Sahlins criticizes both M) One example of this alternative is Mar Vintage, 1977). 51 Claude Lévi-Strauss, Structural Anthro ;>~ Ferdinande Saussure, Course in Genera
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