From Opperssion of Empowerment
From Oppression to Empowerment
insider and outsider, but He also af- firmed that it is better for a Bahá’í to be killed than to kill. For example, He writes: This is the exalted station of those who were killed and refused to kill. They are accounted in the sight of God as the loftiest of all creatures. . . . O My friends! Were your blood to be shed on the face of the earth, it would be far more beloved in My sight than were ye to shed the blood of anyone. . . . We have removed the law to wage holy war in Our Tablets on the day in which the Ancient Beauty was established upon the Throne of glory and majesty. . . . Quicken ye the souls through the reviving breath of your Merciful Lord. This is what is worthy of those who are favored by God. 16 Praise be to God that ye did not commit oppression whilst ye were oppressed, that ye wished not to injure anyone though ye were afflicted with grievous injury, that with the utmost compassion ye beseeched God’s mercy for all people though ye witnessed the onslaught of cruelty, that ye yearned for freedom though ye were imprisoned. All the trees of Paradise exclaim: How great the blessedness that awaiteth you. . . . This Wronged One counselleth 16 From a previously untranslated Tablet; provisional translation.
you never to forfeit this most ex- alted station, never to overstep the bounds of humaneness, and to leave the character and manners of the beasts and brutes to their like. Hear and say not, give and wish not to usurp. . . . Through your pure deeds and saintly char- acter the lights of justice, which are veiled and hidden by the op- pression of the tyrants, will most assuredly shine resplendent in the name of God. 17 In the writings of Bahá’u’lláh, the word “empowerment” when op- posed to “oppression” implies that empowerment is itself the method for eradicating oppression. This em- powerment flows from the realization and actualization of the inner power of the spirit; it cannot be attained by the sword or any form of coercion but only through spiritual awakening and consciousness. Bahá’u’lláh says: O thou servant! Be endowed with My attributes, for verily We have removed the law of bloodshed and discord, and revealed the Cause with power and might, through Our character, and without any- one turning to strife. For verily power lieth in My will, and not in war and discord. 18 I swear by God, were outward power, which hath never been, 17 INBA8:343; provisional translation. 18 INBA23:44; provisional translation.
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